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Why I Support the Downtown Residents Alliance...And You Should, Too!

They [Downtown Residents Alliance] really care about me and other downtown residents. The DSA admits its priority is developers and retailers.”

“The DRC arm of the DSA claims to speak for downtown residents; however, in practice, it’s just another “tool” to advance the “developer” agenda for downtown.”

“The Downtown Residents Alliance has a practical solution to putting the “L” (Livability) in HALA. I support their efforts.”

“I love living downtown, but I don’t think the City should be allowing so many towers so close together.”

“I realize that people will start fleeing downtown as fast as they moved here if we don’t reverse the trend towards a concrete jungle. I believe the Downtown Residents Alliance is leading the charge for sanity in land-use regulation.”

“We have a very flawed land-use code for Downtown, and the Downtown Residents Alliance is working hard to correct it.”

“I don’t want to feel like I’m living in a cave. The Downtown Residents Alliance is fighting to do something about it.”

“I support their efforts to mandate wider, modern, well-lighted alleys for all new downtown residential construction. That will not only help alleviate alley congestion, but reduce night-time alley crime, too.”

“The Downtown Residents Alliance is very organized and professional. They are representing the citizens of downtown very well.”

“I sense a groundswell of support building for their efforts to protect and improve downtown livability…and I want to be a part of that.”

“When you see what your fellow downtown residents are doing for you on a purely volunteer basis, I believe that you’ll want to be a part of it, too!”

“Simple definitions say it all for me:

Council- a group of people who are chosen to make rules.

Alliance- a group of people who are working together in some activity or effort.

For me, I want to be a part of an Alliance, not told what is best for me by a Council. That’s why I support the Downtown Residents Alliance.”

If you agree,

1. Join the Downtown Residents Alliance.

2. Donate to help us advocate for a livable downtown by clicking on the DONATE button in the header.