seattle parks

Mission to save Seattle parks becomes a life saver for people too

The peaceful closure of the Denny Park homeless encampment was a small triumph in the greater effort to help thousands living in crisis on Seattle streets and parks. Many deserve credit for the success but one citizen volunteer stands out for her daily outreach and cutting through red tape.

Mission to save Seattle parks becomes a life saver for people too

City delays on Portal Park re-energize Belltown’s quest to “Recharge the Battery”

Funded plans to explore a “Portal Park” adjacent to the old Battery Street tunnel site were put on hold last year when Mayor Durkan decided to consider other options. After a year of inaction a dedicated group of activists is renewing its efforts to “Recharge the Battery” and give downtown residents some much needed green space. Read On

City delays on Portal Park re-energize Belltown’s quest to “Recharge the Battery”